The Board of the Alderney Wildlife Trust meets at least once a quarter in addition to taking part in management meetings.
Current Directors
If you are interested in becoming a director of the AWT please get in touch
Brian Heath, MBE - Chairman
I have been a member of the AWT since 2003. Originally from Jersey, I have been a regular visitor to Alderney since my late teens and resident with my family between 2003 and 2006.
I graduated from Plymouth Polytechnic with an Honours Degree in Psychology in 1980 concentrating on Biological Psychology and Psychophysiology. I then competed a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Social Science and a Certificate of Qualification in Social Work from Southampton University in 1985 being appointed a Probation Officer by the Jersey Royal Court the same year. My 35 year career was in the Jersey Probation and After Care Service until February 2019, the last nineteen of which were as Chief Probation Officer.
I am currently a Visiting Lecturer in Applied Criminology at UCJ Jersey and a Visiting Fellow of South Wales University. I am also active in a number of other third sector organisations and is the Chief Pilot for Skydive Jersey.
Ingrid Brooke

Born in Liverpool, I was educated at Holly Lodge comprehensive school. Whilst there, an inspirational teacher helped to develop my love of biology with field work and conservation being a particular interest. I went on to study for a degree in Ecology at the University of Leeds where I also completed my PGCE in Secondary Science Education. I then went on to teach science at a comprehensive school in Doncaster for over twenty years where along with another colleague, I opened and managed the school’s successful sixth form. During my teaching career, I encouraged students to enjoy the outdoors through participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. In Doncaster, I acted as the head of the school’s D of E operating authority.
During the holidays, myself and my husband have always enjoyed getting away from the crowds to visit the UK countryside with trips to the Outer Hebrides and other Scottish and Irish Islands. When I saw an advertisement for a teacher on the island of Alderney, it was a great opportunity for a complete change and I am now the secondary science teacher at St Anne’s school. Since arriving in 2017 I have continued my involvement with D of E. I also continue to promote my love of wildlife by helping the students raise money to buy an acre of rainforest, plant 130 trees around the site and have coordinated students and staff to achieve the Woodland Trust's prestigious ‘Woodland School’ Gold award for St Anne’s.
Emma Burrows

I joined the Board of the AWT in August 2019. I've been visiting Alderney regularly for over 40 years and love the island. My husband two children and I try and spend as much as time as possible in Alderney, and we all really enjoy the easy access to nature, the gorgeous coastline and of course the wonderful wildlife. One of the amazing things I've discovered about the Trust since joining is that the AWT has provided around 150 manhours in the last year to maintain heritage and footpaths for the island!
In my non Alderney life I live and work in London. I've been a solicitor for about 30 years and a partner in the same City firm for over 25 years. I work with over 100 charities in the UK and have written and contributed to textbooks on law for charities. I help the Trust by ensuring that we have a good regulatory framework in place and practice good governance.
I've sat on boards of charities for over 30 years and bring lots of experience as a board member to the AWT. I love being involved with the AWT with its focus on long term sustainability and ensuring that the island remains the beautiful wild haven that it has been for me and the family. I'm really enjoying working with the Trust!
Nigel Clarke

I am a retired senior police officer with 32 years policing experience in a variety of roles, including in my final years of service Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary. Following retirement from policing, I have, in a consultancy capacity, been an advisor to a number of companies on policing issues, including working with IBM as a strategic adviser before retiring fully in 2017. I hold a first degree in Law and M.Phil.
My association with Alderney, began in the 1980’s when visiting the island whilst on diving charter trips, and I moved to Alderney with my wife in 2014. In 2015 we both became volunteers with the Alderney Wildlife Trust (AWT) having been impressed with its work and commitment to the protection and improvement of the island environment for the benefit of wildlife and the preservation of island heritage.
I will be using my experience and skills to develop the AWT further, and together with fellow directors enable it to continue to deliver its core objectives.
Sarah Kelly
I moved to Alderney over 20 years ago to take up the role of Clerk of the Court of Alderney, working
for the Court and States until 2015. I am currently the Director of Licensing and General Counsel at
the Gambling Commission. I am a qualified Solicitor and Advocate.
You will often see me marching around the Island making the most of our open spaces, wonderful
cliff walks and ‘off the beaten track’ paths.
Having always supported the AWT by way of membership and donations, I wanted to contribute
more directly and be more involved in the strategic management of the Trust. Protecting Alderney’s
biodiversity, wildlife and heritage has never been more important and I hope that my skills will
assist the Trust’s strategic direction in these areas.
Helen Ackrill

I returned to live in Alderney in 2007 having spent some 15 years in the finance industry in Guernsey, first of all in Banking and then in the Fiduciary Sector where I was a main Board Director of a Guernsey Fiduciary Company. Upon my return to Alderney, I became the Director of a local branch of that Fiduciary Company until 2021 when I retired, and I am now engaged in a small consultancy providing Director Services to a few Alderney companies. I hold a Personal Fiduciary Licence with the Guernsey Financial Services Commission.
I am extremely aware of the need to protect and nurture our unique, very precious environment and wanted to contribute more than just being a member which I have done all the years I have lived in Alderney. I was therefore very happy to accept the invitation to become a member of the Board. I am very aware of the transformation to the island which the Wildlife Trust has made in the twenty plus years of its existence in Alderney and I am now proud to assist in a governance role on the Board with my particular skills in the area of financial oversight.
I love walking around the island and swimming in the sea. I love to snorkel and look at the sea life and enjoy boating in the small boat belonging to my partner. We are all very fortunate to live here and if I can contribute more in any way to maintain and preserve this way of life, then I will.
The AWT operates through a Company Limited by Guarantee - Alderney Wildlife Trust Ltd, whose Board of Directors is appointed annually by the AWT's Membership.