We are immensely proud of the work we do around the island to help protect Alderney's wildlife and environment for the future. If you run a business or are personally interested in helping us carry out this vital work please see our sponsorship packages below for ways you can work with us to make a change. We can also look into bespoke packages or sponsorship of specific events and projects if you require something outside our packages.
Gold package - £5,000
5 years advertising on AWT vehicles (including our boat used for tours and survey work).
5 years logo on sponsorship page of AWT website and Alderney Wildlife magazine (3 per year).
5 free boat trip passes annually for 5 years.
Business membership benefits* to cover full capacity if business is in the accommodation sector.
Silver - £2,500
2 years advertising on AWT vehicles (including tour boat).
2 years logo on sponsorship page of AWT website and Alderney Wildlife magazine (3 per year).
2 free boat trip passes annually for 2 years.
Business membership benefits* to cover 50% capacity if business is in the accommodation sector.
Bronze - £1,000
1 years advertising on AWT vehicles (not including tour boat).
1 year logo on sponsorship page of AWT website and Alderney Wildlife magazine (3 per year).
2 free boat trip passes.
Business membership benefits* to cover 25% capacity if business is in the accommodation sector.
*Business membership
Business membership benefits are a 20% discount on AWT activities, including boat trips. We will provide you with membership cards to go in the percentage of rooms corresponding to the package above, these can then be presented in our shop for a discount on bookings for you or your guests.