Invasive Flatworms - Assessing their Spread on Alderney

Australian flatworm (Australoplana sanguinea)

Photo credit: Zoe Quested. Original at

Invasive Flatworms - Assessing their Spread on Alderney

Help us to track the spread of invasive flatworms on Alderney by reporting them using this form

The States of Alderney are asking gardeners and allotment holders to check for invasive flatworms (including Australian flatworms) by putting down a 'trap' which will attract them if they are present on your land. This could be a sheet of black plastic (for instance a heavy duty bin liner, weighed down) or a plank of wood. Leave the trap for 24 hours and then checked for flatworms underneath.

Try to check at least once per day for a period of at least a week. If you do not find any flatworms during this time, it is likely that they have not spread to your patch, and please do keep checking periodically after this time if you can. If you can't check this regularly, don't worry - check when you can and report the interval between checks on this form. This information is important as it helps us to establish estimates of how many flatworms are in one area.  

To read more about Australian flatworms see the States of Alderney's Press Release, or the page on the AWT website.

Where did you look for flatworms?
What kind of trap did you use?
Have you ever looked for flatworms at this location before?
Did you find any invasive flatworms?
How did you dispose of the flatworms?
Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, svg.
Data submitted here will be handled securely in line with the Alderney Wildlife Trust's Privacy Policy. It will be shared with the States of Alderney's States Works Department in case they need to follow-up with more information. If you do not want to provide this information, you do not need to.