There are lots of ways to support the work of the AWT
The AWT is the only organisation on Alderney dedicated solely to the conservation of the island's wildlife, and the only Wildlife Trust in the Channel Islands. Membership is the AWT's most important source of income and is vital to our survival.
You can join us for less than £2 per month, and your membership will helps us protect and restore our island's rich wildlife. You can also buy gift membership for a friend or just tell others about why you support us!
More ways to help protect wildlife on Alderney
Helping when out and about
When you are out visiting our reserves here are a few actions you can take to ensure our sites stay safe havens for wildlife.
- Keeping to pathways and trails during your walks around the island’s nature reserves and beyond
- Photographing wild flowers rather than picking them
- Replacing rocks after rockpooling or a minibeast hunt
- Always using the litter bins provided or taking your litter home
- Always picking up after your dog and keeping it under close control in sensitive areas including Longis and Mannez pond and beaches where birds breed such as Platte Saline and Clonque
- By teaching yourself and your children about our island's natural environment

The AWT is a member of the Channel Islands Co-operative Society. If you purchase any goods or services from the Co-Op in either Jersey or Guernsey please quote our Membership No. 14808 at the time of purchase. This means 4% of the money spent (8% on a Wednesday, as it’s double dividends day) will be donated to the AWT. Remember, the Co-op does more than just groceries, they also provide funeral care, travel and home furnishings.

Easyfundraising: a large percentage of the membership of the AWT are overseas members and whilst the AWT advocates supporting local retailers whenever possible there are some goods/services only available online.
The AWT has an account with ‘easyfundraising’, this is a very easy and efficient way to raise valuable funds for the AWT at no monetary cost to the individual. It works by using ‘easyfundraising’ as a portal to reach a particular online retailer each time you shop and a small percentage of goods/services purchased is passed onto the AWT. If all our members joined together and got involved the AWT would receive significant funds which are badly needed for on-island conservation. It is very easy to use, but you do need to remember to go through ‘easyfundraising’ each time when buying online. There are over 3,100 retailers to choose from. We would ask that anybody considering joining this scheme please contact the AWT Office so an invite can be sent via e-mail. Every member recruited in this way raises more funds for the AWT.