Governance, Reports and Accounts

Bee on flower

Governance, Reports and Accounts

Governance of AWT - inclusive of reporting such as Business Plans, Treasurer and Chairs reports and the approved Consolidated Accounts.

Our Directors are a group of volunteers who hold the financial and legal responsibility for everything the AWT does.

The AWT Directors bring a wide range of knowledge, expertise and experience to the table and are responsible for approving our strategic plans, annual budget and annual report and accounts.

Directors are appointed from our membership at the Annual General Meeting of the Trust.

The AWT employs a paid CEO and a number of unpaid placement and resident volunteer staff who fulfil the AWT's key roles and responsibilities.

In addition there are more than 40 volunteers who ensure the AWT functions at a number of different levels. Volunteers do everything from manning the AWT’s shop, to repairing and maintaining the AWT’s tools and machinery, carrying out wildlife surveys, and helping at events.

Becoming a director

Any member of the Alderney Wildlife Trust may apply to become a director provided they are eligible to stand for election under both company law and charity law. No fixed qualifications are needed, but a wide range of skills and experience are required in order for our Board to be effective.

If you are interested in becoming a Director, please get in touch. Directors are approved by the members at the Annual Members Meeting and are elected at the AWT's Annual General Meeting.

Public Documents

Reports and Accounts

Alderney Wildlife Trust Business Plan - 2024 (members copy)

Statement on AWT income from and services delivered to States of Alderney 2024

AWT Consolidated Group Accounts_Signed_2021

Alderney Wildlife Trust - Business Plan 2021

Alderney Wildlife Trust - Business Plan 2020

Alderney Wildlife Trust - Signed Accounts 2022

Alderney Wildlife Trust - Signed Accounts 2021

Alderney Wildlife Trust - Signed Accounts 2020

Alderney Wildlife Trust - Signed Accounts 2019

Alderney Wildlife Trust - Signed Accounts 2018

Alderney Wildlife Trust - Signed Accounts 2017