Launched in 2022, the Pollinator Project aims to increase suitable habitat for the island's pollinators! This campaign has a focus on community engagement and involving the island in the conservation of all pollinators, which play a significant part in the health of the environment!

The impact pollinators have on the environment and their importance to the planet is well known and documented. They are vital for a thriving ecosystem, the future of food production security and act as key indicator species. Yet, global trends of population and distribution of pollinators have shown that they are generally in decline. UK data shows that butterflies, moths and wild bees have been in considerable decline since the 1970s (when records were first kept). There are several reasons acting together to cause this, including disease, light pollution, changes to habitat management and habitat loss.
On Alderney, butterflies have only been regularly and systematically recorded since 2005 and bumblebees since 2017, so we are yet to see the long-term trends of these important insects (whether they be negative, positive or neutral).

Pollinator Project Aims
- To increase suitable habitat for pollinators across the island
- To inspire and include all members of the community in the Pollinator Project
- To evolve a community appreciation of pollinators on Alderney, the individual species present and their importance to the island
- To continue the AWT's ecological surveys which are specific to pollinators:
- Over 30 bee transects are completed between March - October every year
- Over 100 butterfly transects are completed between April - October every year
- We have our moth traps out for over 30 nights at two different locations every year
- We host the Bailiwick Bat Survey (BBS) on Alderney - yes, bats are also pollinators!

Pollinator Project Highlights:
- Given out approximately 360 packets of free wildflower seeds to the public - containing 25 different species of native wildflower
- Recorded three new species for Alderney: the Bedstraw Hawk-moth, Dark Crimson Underwing and the Sallow Kitten moth (also the first record for the Bailiwick of Guernsey!)
- Created and planted a wildflower meadow and raised beds at Alderney Roots with the help of our Wildlife Volunteers
- Carried out over 40 hours of pollinator-based activities with Alderney's youth, including:
- Looking at moths caught in our moth trap with the local playgroup and our Woodland Explorers
- Holding a Butterfly Safari during our annual Wildlife Week
- Creating seed bombs with the local playgroups
- Making bee hotels with the Youth Commission for Guernsey and Alderney and with the Duke of Edinburgh students of St. Sampson's School (Guernsey)
- Created pollinator and wildflower-themed collages with the Youth Commission for Guernsey and Alderney
- Took our 'Moth Trap on Tour' for families across the island to discover what moths are flying in their gardens

How You Can Get Involved
- In the spring, we'll be giving out FREE WILDFLOWER SEED PACKETS again! Visit our Wildlife Information Centre on Victoria Street to collect yours! We will also have packets ready at our engagement stalls so keep an eye out on our social media for announcements of these events.
- Join our Wildlife Volunteers! We are extremely grateful to all the volunteers who provide any of their spare time to help us and the island's wonderful wildlife. For the Pollinator Project, the Wildlife Volunteers have planted a wildflower meadow and created raised flower beds at Alderney Roots ready for planting this year! Our volunteers meet every Wednesday and Saturday at 1:45 PM at our Wildlife Information Centre and everyone is welcome to join in - no matter how much time you can give!
- If you would like to discover the moths flying in your garden at night, visit our Wildlife Information Centre to discuss borrowing our moth trap!

Ways to Help Pollinators in your Garden or Green Space
- Plant pollinator-friendly plants for bumblebees and butterflies
- Plant flowers which release their scent in the evening for moths and bats
- Create a bee hotel
- Grow a wild patch or mini meadow
- Upcycle pots and containers into plant pots
- Grow wildlife-friendly herbs
For any Pollinator Project enquiries and/or you would like to get involved, please contact