
Australian flatworm (Australoplana sanguinea)

Photo credit: Zoe Quested. Original at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/15069185

Invasive Flatworms

Alderney has two invasive flatworms, the Australian flatworm (Australoplana sanguinea) and Parakontikia ventrolineata. These are both from the Australian subcontinent and are both known invasives from both the UK and Guernsey, although they have only recently been recorded in Alderney.

We encourage reporting of both of these species through the online reporting form available here.

To read more about each species, see the below links.

Biosecurity Guidance

In general, we advise following biosecurity guidance from the GB Non-native Species Secretariart, namely:

  • Checking for new invasions
    • Inspect incoming consignments of plants, especially around the root ball
  • Checking for existing flatworms
    • Check regularly under matting or pots standing directly on the ground for flatworms or their egg capsules
    • Lift plants from their pots frequently to check for the presence of flatworms or their egg capsules
    • Set flatworm traps
    • ID flatworms using GB Non-native Species Secretariat ID guides, available at https://www.nonnativespecies.org/non-native-species/id-sheets/
  • Disposing of existing flatworms
    • Drop flatworms into boiling or salted water and leave in a sealed container for several hours before disposing of the water (no further precaution required).
  • Minimising spread:
    • Maintain good plant hygiene
      • Always use fresh, sterile compost or other sterile growing medium when potting up plants, not material taken from places where flatworms might be hiding.
    • Inspect all outgoing consignments of plants carefully whether or not they are for export