Join us
The AWT dedicated to studying, helping and protecting Alderney's Wildlife and is the only Wildlife Trust in the Channel Islands. Membership is the AWT's most important source of income and is vital to our survival. Your membership fee goes directly to our work.
New Membership Benefits for 2024
Sign up for a membership in 2024 and receive the following great benefits for Alderney partners and businesses:
*20% discount on boat trips
*50% discount on most activities like Bat & Hedgehog Walks, Wildlife Week etc
*4 nights for the price of 3 at the Georgian House and The Victoria
*20% discount on the day rate for electric bikes with Cycle & Surf
*Plus all the standard membership benefits including Junior Watch for under-16s, three magazines a year and priority invites to special events.
If you would like to make a recurring payment please fill in our standing order form.
To renew your membership simply make a payment to AWT's account, or pop into the shop and pay by cash or card.

©Joshua Copping
Become a member today
Membership income is core to the AWT's conservation work, providing funding to:
- run our reserves
- maintain public access
- develop and use natural history records for the island
- undertake our work to explore and understand the ecology of our island
- and much much more . . . .
Get in touch
If you have any questions about AWT membership please just get in touch. Email or use our webform
The Wildlife Trusts play a very important part in protecting our natural heritage. I would encourage anyone who cares about wildlife to join them

© Russell Savory
Annual membership rates:
Individual £20
Family (up to 2 adults and 4 children) £40
Business £50
Watch £10 or free for children based on Alderney

Refer a friend
With your help the AWT can continue to grow its membership and ensure you have an active say in what we do. With this in mind we have two special referral offers:
- Any member who introduces another person to AWT membership will be eligible for a free gift worth up to £5 from the AWT shop.
- Introduction of 3 new members entitles you to a free boat trip, visiting Alderney's puffin and gannet colonies.
Please just ask new members to mention your name at the point of joining.
Join the Alderney Wildlife Trust
Help us protect the island's wildlife for the future