AWT work experience blog: Alderney Living Seas Programme

AWT work experience blog: Alderney Living Seas Programme

Fraser Coleman, a Marine Biology student at the University of Exeter, shares his experience as a work placement student with the Alderney Wildlife Trust (April 8th-13th, 2024). Read about his inspiring involvement in green ormer surveys, data logging, and the strong sense of community he discovered on Alderney.
Fraser - Work placement with AWT

As I reflect on my recent work placement with the Alderney Wildlife Trust, I am filled with gratitude for the enriching experiences and profound learning opportunities it provided. From surveying green ormers to immersing myself in the unique ecosystem of Alderney, every moment was filled with discovery and inspiration.

One of the most captivating aspects of my placement was the opportunity to survey green ormers along the Alderney coastline. Venturing out into the lively rock pools throughout the week, equipped with the necessary tools and guided by experienced professionals, I was able to witness firsthand the intricate beauty of these fascinating marine creatures. The process of surveying not only offered a glimpse into the delicate balance of marine life but also instilled in me a profound sense of responsibility towards conservation efforts.

Beyond the captivating wildlife, what truly made my experience memorable was the warm and welcoming community at the Alderney Wildlife Trust. From dedicated staff members to passionate volunteers, each person I encountered exuded a genuine enthusiasm for their work and a deep-rooted commitment to environmental conservation. The camaraderie and support I received throughout my placement reaffirmed my belief in the power of collective action and collaboration in safeguarding our natural world.

Amidst the captivating fieldwork, I also had the opportunity to engage in data logging, a fundamental aspect of scientific research. Through meticulous recording and analysis, I gained valuable insights into the importance of accurate data collection in informing conservation strategies. The experience not only honed my technical skills but also instilled in me a newfound appreciation for the role of data-driven approaches in addressing environmental challenges.

Fraser - Work placement with AWT - Living Seas

In conclusion, my work placement with the Alderney Wildlife Trust has been nothing short of transformative. I am deeply grateful for the invaluable experiences, meaningful connections, and enduring inspiration it has provided. As I embark on the next chapter of my journey, I carry with me the lessons learned and the memories cherished, forever shaped by the beauty and wonder of Alderney's natural world.

In conclusion, my work placement with the Alderney Wildlife Trust has been nothing short of transformative. I am deeply grateful for the invaluable experiences, meaningful connections, and enduring inspiration it has provided. As I embark on the next chapter of my journey, I carry with me the lessons learned and the memories cherished, forever shaped by the beauty and wonder of Alderney's natural world.