Submit a Sighting

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©Keith Turner

Submit a Sighting

If you see anything around the island whilst you are out and about, tell us! Whether you are a visitor or a resident of the island, a wildlife expert or an interested amateur, your sightings are a valuable contribution to the Alderney Biodiversity Centre and could help to influence our reserve management, survey programme, research and conservation. 

A record must contain the following:

  • A species name (scientific or common)
  • The location you found it
  • The date you found it
  • Your name
  • Your email (this information is classified and will not be used for anything other than verification)

Extra information you can include:

  • A photograph
  • Details such as age, life stage, sex, health, behaviour, or anything else you think might be interesting

Not sure what you've seen?

If you’ve seen something and you aren’t sure what it is, send us a picture along with the location and date on which you found it and your contact details so we can get back to you. Our ecologists will do their best to identify it– you never know, you might discover a new species for the island!

How to submit a sighting

You can use the form below or email us at Or feel free to send us a message on facebook or twitter! Anything you submit on iRecord will also be added to the Alderney Biodiversity Centre too, so this can be a quick and easy way to submit everything we need.

Common or Latin name 
Describe the location of the sighting
If known. At least four figures (e.g. WA5506), but ideally six or more (e.g. WA551061).
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, svg.
Information you want to include, i.e: age, condition, behaviour or anything else!