Blog: Marine


Green Ormer - Cr Thanh Doan

Green Ormer Survey

This blog gives you a glimpse into what it's like to participate in a Green Ormer survey with the AWT. Being a marine volunteer is more than just data collection; it's about resilience,…

Grey sea slug

Sea Slug Day - 29/10

It’s Sea Slug Day so let’s dive into the world of these shell-less marine molluscs.

Crab survey

My First Crab Survey with AWT

Ever wondered what lies beneath the rocks on Alderney's shores? My first crab survey with the Alderney Wildlife Trust (AWT) was a fun adventure!

Seal Pup - AWT Staff

Seal Pup at Clonque!

As some of you may be aware, recently the island was visited by a very special (and adorable) guest…a young Grey Seal pup!

Balearic Shearwater (Chris Gomersall/2020VISION)

Balearic Shearwaters

Recently, on a brief trip to Guernsey using the Trust’s boat ‘Sula of Braye’, around twenty birds were seen gracefully gliding above the water’s surface…these were Balearic Shearwaters!


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